Powder Containment Hood

A powder containment hood is the most effective piece of equipment to utilize when compounding to protect the pharmacist from chemicals while also protecting chemicals from the pharmacist.

Xenia hood

Chemicals travel into the air, are spilled on countertops, and adhere themselves to the compounder’s safety garb, such as gloves, lab coat and masks. When working in a Flow Sciences Safety, the chemicals can be opened and compounded within a contained environment, virtually eliminating the threat of the chemical particles traveling to places other than into the compound. The filters capture particles as small as 0.3 microns and have an efficiency rate of 99.99%.

The four-foot hood can accommodate the placement of a balance and another piece of equipment (such as the Jaansun® capsule machine) at the same time. Once the powders have been encapsulated or captured into a base, the compound then may be removed from the hood and placed into a dispensing container.